Purchase Order + Wire Transfer / BACS payment

If you prefer to raise a purchase order and pay by wire transfer or BACS rather than pay by credit or debit card, please follow these steps:

  1. Email us your purchase order
  2. We email you an invoice
  3. You make your wire transfer / BACS payment
  4. We send you the download link by email once the payment has cleared

1. Email us your purchase order

Please email [email protected] with the following details:

a. Purchase order (PDF, MS Word document or jpg image); including
b. Purchase order number - what is a purchase order?
c. Product details
d. Your Company Name, Address, Telephone number and Contact Name

Our details for your purchase order
Endeavour Technical Limited
Company number: 07175526
1st Floor, 71–75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom
Phone: 0845 054 2886
International: +44 20 8144 1863

2. We email you an invoice

This will be a PDF document.
It will include instructions for payment - inluding our account number.

3. You make your wire transfer / BACS payment

This normally takes three working days to be received.

Our bank details:
Barclays Bank Plc
Branch: 102 High Street, Thame, Oxon, OX9 3DU, United Kingdom
Account number: [email protected]
Sort code: [email protected]
Account name: Endeavour Technical Limited
IBAN: [email protected]

4. We send you the download link by email once the payment has cleared

Once the payment has been cleared into our account, we will email you with a link to the download page. This normally takes 3 working days after you make your wire transfer / BACS payment.

Any Questions?

Please email [email protected] or call us on
0845 054 2886 if you have any questions.

Company cheques

Please note, we no longer accept company cheques.