Does ISO 9001 Require First Article Inspection?

Does ISO 9001 Require First Article Inspection? No. However, If you own a company that manufactures machinery for aviation or aerospace, you will need First Article Inspection (FAI) documentation.


3 people checklist tracing requirements

What Is First Article Inspection?

First Article Inspection, or FAI, is an aviation and aerospace specific standard. When a company is commissioned to make a part or product for a customer, they are required to submit paperwork detailing the specifications of the piece.

Types Of Companies That Require First Article Inspection

  • Aviation
  • Aerospace
  • Manufacture of parts or supplies for Aviation or Aerospace

Purpose For First Article Inspection

  • Safety
  • Quality

The customer upon receipt of their purchase will fill out an accompanying FAI. Just as with the company, they will detail the specification of the parts, such as measurement, shape, materials it is made from, etc.

This inspection serves a two-fold purpose — namely safety and quality.

>> Learn more about Testing & Inspection


The FAI's purpose in safety is because aviation parts and machinery are particularly sensitive to unexpected alterations or changes. If a piece of machinery is faulty because of a manufacturing error, the results could be catastrophic.

By making sure that the specifications match what was expected and sent, accidents are less likely to occur.


The FAI's purpose in quality is also related to safety. Poorly made materials or materials that passed the initial inspection due to human oversight are considered poor quality. The machine parts of inferior quality may fit the desired measurements but are still not appropriate for you.


Updated: 18th April 2024
Author: Richard Keen

Richard Keen

Richard Keen

Richard is our Compliance Director, responsible for content & product development.
But most importantly he is ISO's biggest fanboy and a true evangelist of the standards.
Learn more about Richard